N.C. lottery winner bails out convict fiancé fourth time

Jan 4, 2016, 8:46 am (82 comments)

After the Big Win

This time she posts $12 million bond for 'Hot Sauce'

BOLIVIA, N.C. — He might win a prize of his own — for being the worst fiancé ever. Or maybe she'll win a prize for being most gullible.

In what almost seems like clockwork, $188 million Powerball winner Marie Holmes has bailed out her fiancé from jail for a fourth time in less than a year, this time posting a $12 million bond for his release.

Holmes made national headlines last February when she was one of three winners who split a $564 million Powerball jackpot. Holmes's share was worth $188 million, and she took home $88 million after taxes when she decided to take the lump sum. (See N.C. Powerball lottery winner claims share of jackpot worth $188 million, Lottery Post, Feb. 24, 2015.)

Since then, her live-in boyfriend Lamarr "Hot Sauce" McDow has been stealing the spotlight for his run-ins with the law and his ability to get out of jail on sky high bonds.

Just a week after her big win, McDow was able to make a $3 million bond in March. He'd been in jail for heroin trafficking charges from Nov. 2014.

McDow was re-arrested during a raid in July, for violating his pre-trial release. Holmes was also cited during that raid. Court documents show officers found weapons and drugs in their home in Shallotte. (See $188 million lottery winner arrested on marijuana charges, Lottery Post, July 27, 2015.)

McDow was put back in jail under a $6 million bond. He posted bail again in early August. (See NC lottery winner spent $9M bailing out convict fiancé, Lottery Post, Aug. 15, 2015.)

In October, Hot Sauce was arrested and bailed out by Holmes a third time and charged with possession of a firearm by a felon. (See N.C. Powerball winner's fiancé jailed for third time this year, Lottery Post, Oct. 20, 2015.)

In 'Sauce's most recent run-in with the law, a warrant was issued December 26 for McDow's arrest on misdemeanor charge of conspiring to arrange a street race. He was booked into the Brunswick County Jail — this time under a $12 million bond.

If a defendant violates the terms of their pre-trial release and has to go back to jail, attorneys explained their bond amount automatically doubles.

According to court documents, McDow was required to wear an ankle bracelet under the terms of his pre-trial release. The agreement essentially puts him on house arrest. He is allowed to go to work, to church on Sunday morning, to the doctor and to court.

Lt. Steve Lanier with the Brunswick County Sheriff's Office said GPS monitoring equipment shows McDow violated the terms of that agreement by going somewhere other than those approved locations.

Bail bondsmen in the Brunswick County area said a non-refundable fee is required when hiring a bondsman to post bail. Historically, it's been about 10 percent of the total bond amount, but on large bonds that fee is often negotiated to a lower percentage.

Bondsmen say it's rare for the fee to go below 7 percent in Brunswick County. Using that figure, McDow and his supporters have likely spent $630,000 in fees that they will never see again to make the $3 million bail in March and the $6 million bail in August.

That money is gone, but McDow doesn't seem content unless he cooking up some new scheme to drain Holmes of her big win. With this new latest bond that's been posted for his release, the non-recoverable fees will likely double.

Defendants have the option to bypass bail bondsmen by writing a check to the clerk of court for the full amount of the bond, rather than a percentage of the bond amount. The defendant or his financial supporter would get all that money back if he showed up for court as promised, but risk losing the full amount if he does not show up for court.

Some big-money winners blow their money on lavish homes, cars, travel, and gifts. This might be the first big winner who blows their jackpot on continually bailing out a criminal.

Holmes, who at the time of her lottery claim planned to use the winnings to open college funds for her four children, as well as buy a new house, is unfortunately heading down the same life path as numerous other big winners who did not successfully manage their windfall.

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Lottery Post Staff


travelintrucker's avatartravelintrucker

Dude, seriously!?Skeptical

All of that money is going to the state instead of her kids!

Add her to the list of dumb lottery winners.

zephbe's avatarzephbe

The lottery doesn't care who wins it nor what they do with the winnings.


Ultimately, this will not end well. The one (s) who will suffer the most will be the kids. This family was given the opportunity to change their lives forever, for the better. But MOM is stuck on stupid.

myturn's avatarmyturn

I hope she comes to her senses before all her money is gone. This case also highlights the issue of anonymity. It can be very dangerous for winners to have their identity released.

haymaker's avatarhaymaker

"He is allowed to go to work"


I thought he was a drug dealer ?

Todd's avatarTodd

Quote: Originally posted by myturn on Jan 4, 2016

I hope she comes to her senses before all her money is gone. This case also highlights the issue of anonymity. It can be very dangerous for winners to have their identity released.

I'm not so sure about that.  In this case, knowing his identity may be a service to all women in America.

haymaker's avatarhaymaker

Quote: Originally posted by myturn on Jan 4, 2016

I hope she comes to her senses before all her money is gone. This case also highlights the issue of anonymity. It can be very dangerous for winners to have their identity released.

In her case anonymity means nothing, the danger is in her own house.

Litebets27's avatarLitebets27

When she won the jackpot, she stated she felt this was a gift from her departed grandmother.

I hope she gets a message soon from her grandmother that will steer her in another direction with this gift.

This case is becoming an embarrassing saga.


Quote: Originally posted by travelintrucker on Jan 4, 2016

Dude, seriously!?Skeptical

All of that money is going to the state instead of her kids!

Add her to the list of dumb lottery winners.

Exactly!  The government is lovin it!  Tons of free money for them (like they need it anyway). 

I think she could probably be considered the most moronic lottery winner of all time.  Even David Lee Edwards would be considered a "genius" compared to her because at least he purchased some assets.  This fool is giving it all to the government.

music*'s avatarmusic*

 Canadian lottery winner Sharon Tirabassi could teach Marie a few lessons before she wastes it all. Sharon won $10,000,000.00 and spent it all in nine years. She now takes the bus to her low-paying job.

 Some winners are not prepared to win and they refuse to learn from advisers, teachers, counselors.

No Pity!

Todd's avatarTodd

Quote: Originally posted by jjtheprince on Jan 4, 2016

Exactly!  The government is lovin it!  Tons of free money for them (like they need it anyway). 

I think she could probably be considered the most moronic lottery winner of all time.  Even David Lee Edwards would be considered a "genius" compared to her because at least he purchased some assets.  This fool is giving it all to the government.


At this point I believe Marie Holmes money will be gone soon .Perhaps her loosing it all will be a valuable lesson how she turned such a wonderful blessing into a tragedy .So if she becomes destitute again I do not  feel sorry for her only her children because they deserve better than this.She and children  were  set for life.

lejardin's avatarlejardin

I dont see any good outcome of this.  Her children will in all likelihood, follow the example of this disastrous male figure.  Highly doubt a mentor, adviser could change this course.  $21+ mil poof........ the remainder can go just as fast.


It's her money and she can do whatever she wants with it.  If I understand it right she has only spent $630,000.  Not the full amount of the bound.  People always say the kids the kids.  Nobody knows what she has done for the kids.  In a way that's a good thing.  People will think she is broke later in life when really she is still loaded.  Plus when the kids are older they will do well with the money that they have.  "The focus is all on the boyfriend not the kids.  Once again that's a good thing.  Everyone is looking at the right hand not the left. That's a good thing.....LOL


Yep, called it, this woman is a Grade A imbecile. When she first won I said it would take 5 years for her to go broke but it seems she is determined to shatter my estimate. It's a shame when idiots like her win money and not people who are more responsible. 

JADELottery's avatarJADELottery

A certain song comes to mind here.

RedStang's avatarRedStang

Say goodbye to the bail money. He's probably facing 20yrs so he'll be on the lam soon. He'll get caught and she'll get aiding and abetting.


Is this guy getting Kick backs or what. Because no body is that stupid. 10% non refundable , Bondsmen must be happy to get the call from these morons. The

Lady i just feel sorry for her and her children. But hey IT'S YOUR MONEY USE IT WHEN YOU NEED IT :).

I wish her good luck and hope your realize what's around her.

cbr$'s avatarcbr$

This story is amazing. This lady really don't want to know what a jerk her boyfriend is.  Let me correct that statement. She know all ready what he is but is afraid to face it. She wouldn't have gotten to round 4 in bailout have she lay out some ground rules when she bail out "Hot Sauce" the first time. She should tell him every time  I bail you out, you're taking something from my children. I have one special needs child, that need to be taken care of for the rest it life for starter. You constantly going to jail, like it your second home is not acceptable.       I believe she is paying the bail bond a percentage of bond for one reason & not writing a check for the full amount. She don't trust him enough to believe he do the right thing where she get a percentage of her money back. He is only going to be around until she goes break! 



slotsarefun's avatarslotsarefun

OOPS it is her money , right?


Quote: Originally posted by slotsarefun on Jan 4, 2016

OOPS it is her money , right?

True- and folks here are voicing their opinions.No one is calling for their demise slots.

ThatScaryChick's avatarThatScaryChick

Blah, same old story with her. The only people I feel sorry for are her kids and hopefully they are being taken care of.


Y'all think HotSauce is bad but you should have seen the guy she was dating before him, Sriracha.   Jester

Erzulieredeyes's avatarErzulieredeyes

Quote: Originally posted by jjtheprince on Jan 4, 2016

Exactly!  The government is lovin it!  Tons of free money for them (like they need it anyway). 

I think she could probably be considered the most moronic lottery winner of all time.  Even David Lee Edwards would be considered a "genius" compared to her because at least he purchased some assets.  This fool is giving it all to the government.

She's no David Lee Edwards, far from it.  Marie Holmes may be a fool in bailing out her man after the first time at the outrageous bail out amounts  but at least the majority of the money is being returned back to her. And she also owns assets - she purchased modest cars and a very modest home without getting carried away like Mr. Edwards.  All of All of David Edward's money went on meth and dope up his nose.

I think if Marie Holmes got rid of her boyfriend she would be a successful long term lottery winner.

I hope she doesn't go down the same road as the other winning lottery losers. And it's obvious the police has watch dogs watching their every move. Easier for them to squeeze her of every penny then patrol and look for more serious crimes.

Wouldn't be surprised if we will be reading about the feds raiding her home again and seizing her assets and ca$h.

mypiemaster's avatarmypiemaster

I am speechless!!!.

kennedygrandma's avatarkennedygrandma

I donot feel sorry for her. She is possibly the stupidest female I have ever seen.Why is she still with this loser. there is not that much love in the world and if the sex that good to make her that stupid he should bottle it and put it on the shelf for sale LOL.Just dumb on so many levels.

Erzulieredeyes's avatarErzulieredeyes

Quote: Originally posted by cbr$ on Jan 4, 2016

This story is amazing. This lady really don't want to know what a jerk her boyfriend is.  Let me correct that statement. She know all ready what he is but is afraid to face it. She wouldn't have gotten to round 4 in bailout have she lay out some ground rules when she bail out "Hot Sauce" the first time. She should tell him every time  I bail you out, you're taking something from my children. I have one special needs child, that need to be taken care of for the rest it life for starter. You constantly going to jail, like it your second home is not acceptable.       I believe she is paying the bail bond a percentage of bond for one reason & not writing a check for the full amount. She don't trust him enough to believe he do the right thing where she get a percentage of her money back. He is only going to be around until she goes break! 

Watch The First 48hours and see how easy it is to leave/turn against a drug dealer. We don't know her full situation but hopefully she gets on the right path. If it were me I'd rather pay  a few million to this fool if it meant my peace of mind than  going through bailing him out every few months. I do think you're right about her lack of trust of going through a bonds man than writing a check.

maximumfun's avatarmaximumfun

Hopefully things are turning out just as she wants (?)

Raven62's avatarRaven62

Quote: Originally posted by lejardin on Jan 4, 2016

I dont see any good outcome of this.  Her children will in all likelihood, follow the example of this disastrous male figure.  Highly doubt a mentor, adviser could change this course.  $21+ mil poof........ the remainder can go just as fast.

I Agree! Example is a big influence in society!

Raven62's avatarRaven62

Quote: Originally posted by maximumfun on Jan 4, 2016

Hopefully things are turning out just as she wants (?)

Maybe she's lookin' for a ring on her finger...


Stop gossiping about people , lottery yawl need to stop !!!!!

i lost money playing Lottery while you Big Boy rigged the system , are you offering anybody money and we could have been winners , what she does with her money is her business , not the Worlds


you would think that someone in her circle would sit her down and have i conversation with her about moving on

where her pastor at ?  has she had her life threatened by this individual ? something is just not right


If Tobasco is convicted, and I dont see how he wont be, he's looking at a life sentence which translates into a min of 30 years. Hopefully, Marie will move on -- or not. Chilipepper is a reported gang member. I would hate to see Marie used as the "bank" for prison gangs.

RJOh's avatarRJOh

Unsavory relatives, friends, inlaws and family members are a drag on any lottery winners unless they cut them out of their life.  These type of people should be avoided even if one never wins a lottery.

sully16's avatarsully16

All that money, and it did nothing to help her self esteem and self worth.

Marie, if he beats the crap out of you, will you post his bail?

picktowin's avatarpicktowin

She is a idiot period

Should have those kids taken away.

What is wrong with her and also having someone like that around her children

Maybe she is no better than him.


And millions of dollars are being wasted....sigh....

Nikkicute's avatarNikkicute

Quote: Originally posted by cybermoss on Jan 4, 2016

It's her money and she can do whatever she wants with it.  If I understand it right she has only spent $630,000.  Not the full amount of the bound.  People always say the kids the kids.  Nobody knows what she has done for the kids.  In a way that's a good thing.  People will think she is broke later in life when really she is still loaded.  Plus when the kids are older they will do well with the money that they have.  "The focus is all on the boyfriend not the kids.  Once again that's a good thing.  Everyone is looking at the right hand not the left. That's a good thing.....LOL

Please! Miss me with that!Thumbs Down She's a HOODRAT!! end of story!

HoodRats don't have a perception of the world outside of themselves.

All they can see is the bottomless pit of inadequacy and insecurity they are.
Everything else is nonexistent (including their own children!)

She was 26 years old and had not 1, not 2 but 4 kids by who knows

how many men and NO HUSBAND!! Her kids were screwed before she won the lottery!

She had already FAILED as a mother!

If you think what she is doing does not affect her children, you are a fool! So no, it's not it's her

money she can do what she wants, that would be OK if it were just her but she is a mother!


She let the courts tie up a lot of money that is supposed to be going to work for her kids.

Instead it's going elsewhere so that she can hold on to some WORTHLESS thug luvin!

travelintrucker's avatartravelintrucker

You're right. She's teaching her kids about life, at least from her perspective. Some will repeat the cycle. Hopefully, they all will learn what NOT to do, and not repeat the cycle.

ohiopick3's avatarohiopick3

Much agreed! "Unbelievable".

BuyLow's avatarBuyLow

LOL....they must be related....


Teddi's avatarTeddi

Quote: Originally posted by Nikkicute on Jan 4, 2016

Please! Miss me with that!Thumbs Down She's a HOODRAT!! end of story!

HoodRats don't have a perception of the world outside of themselves.

All they can see is the bottomless pit of inadequacy and insecurity they are.
Everything else is nonexistent (including their own children!)

She was 26 years old and had not 1, not 2 but 4 kids by who knows

how many men and NO HUSBAND!! Her kids were screwed before she won the lottery!

She had already FAILED as a mother!

If you think what she is doing does not affect her children, you are a fool! So no, it's not it's her

money she can do what she wants, that would be OK if it were just her but she is a mother!


She let the courts tie up a lot of money that is supposed to be going to work for her kids.

Instead it's going elsewhere so that she can hold on to some WORTHLESS thug luvin!

What exactly makes someone a hoodrat? Is your issue that she has multiple children from different men without ever being married? Then I guess Bristol Palin is a hoodrat too. I'm okay with the moniker, I just want to make sure I have a handle on the definition so I can use it correctly.

Teddi's avatarTeddi

Quote: Originally posted by Redd55 on Jan 4, 2016

Y'all think HotSauce is bad but you should have seen the guy she was dating before him, Sriracha.   Jester

Thud I think I just died laughing. Funniest thing I've seen all day. Thank you for that ROFL


this woman is an idiot period she will be broke  in a few years unbelievable.!!!!

Artist77's avatarArtist77

Their children are named "Tartar sauce", "Mole sauce" and "Hollandaise sauce."

C0w Pi3

I bet North Carolina is loving this lady!!!


Here I am starving to hit a p3 for $80 and this dumb-dumb giving money away by the tons.  The bonds they are setting for the dumb arse boyfriend is unheard of-heaven forbid if he stubs his toe-wonder how much will they bond him for that.  I feel so bad for her-looking for love in all the wrong places.  I would drop that zero and get me a hero b4 I'm broke and looking for a handout.  He aint got nothing to bring to the table but taking everything away that he possibly can.  Wonder where his arse would be if she had not won all that money-you guessed it-in the pokie somewhere. Ain't nobody around there to tell her no sense. Ive often heard that bought sense is way better than told sense.

mikeintexas's avatarmikeintexas

Quote: Originally posted by Artist77 on Jan 4, 2016

Their children are named "Tartar sauce", "Mole sauce" and "Hollandaise sauce."

Do NOT do that to me while I'm taking a sip of tea!

Those kids will turn out all right, I reckon.  Tartar will become a pro bass fisherman (or a dentist), Hollandaise will be a tourist guide in Amsterdam (or a chef) and Mole will become a CIA deep undercover agent (Or a priest...Holy Mole!)

lejardin's avatarlejardin

Quote: Originally posted by mikeintexas on Jan 4, 2016

Do NOT do that to me while I'm taking a sip of tea!

Those kids will turn out all right, I reckon.  Tartar will become a pro bass fisherman (or a dentist), Hollandaise will be a tourist guide in Amsterdam (or a chef) and Mole will become a CIA deep undercover agent (Or a priest...Holy Mole!)



temptustoo's avatartemptustoo

the money was always his money.  He could not cash the ticket... It is not her money people..

Rman313's avatarRman313

SmileI don`t think its even about the money with her.  She simply LOVES her POS BF! She will ride or die with him,money or no money! I have seen soo many beautiful ladies in love with drug dealers,the unemployed basement deweler, another married man,prison inmate, etc,etc! Shes standing by her man!

sweetie7398's avatarsweetie7398



Please please tell me why he could not cash the ticket because I am pretty sure it wasn't because he owed $188 million in judgments or child support? I would love to hear this fantastic theory of yours please. 

Groppo's avatarGroppo

This is one "88 million" that I absolutely do not envy.
What a crappy couple, I don't care how much they have won.


Yeah, it's just games to them right now.   Bail is money they'll get back, as long as he doesn't run. The smaller amount, the fee is what they lose. It's still a heck of a lot more than I've got.


But like I said, I don't envy their money.  They're both fools, and they're raising kids that will be just as foolish. 

R151413's avatarR151413

 They know she will continue to bail him out.  So, they will continue to arrest him for every little infraction they can come up with. He was arrested for "conspiring to arrange a street race" that alone sounds like someone has been assigned to pour over the law books to find everything and anything to get this guy on.  Not trying to defend chips and salsa but it seems that there is more going on.

Teddi's avatarTeddi

Quote: Originally posted by Groppo on Jan 5, 2016

This is one "88 million" that I absolutely do not envy.
What a crappy couple, I don't care how much they have won.


Yeah, it's just games to them right now.   Bail is money they'll get back, as long as he doesn't run. The smaller amount, the fee is what they lose. It's still a heck of a lot more than I've got.


But like I said, I don't envy their money.  They're both fools, and they're raising kids that will be just as foolish. 

It's all fun and games until some idiot shows their true colors. "Maybe it's a black thing"? Did you say "Maybe it's a white thing" when David Lee Edwards and Jack Whittaker were doing incredibly asinine things and losing all their money? Not only did they both lose their money but their stupidity with that money caused the loss of lives too. So which is worse? Was that a white thing? Show me the post where you made it about race with them and I won't call you out for being an unabashed racist. Take a look at the spectrum of people who won the lottery and lost it all by being imbecilic.

Color, race, religion, culture, age, sex...doesn't matter. There is a representation of stupidity and money mismanagement from all walks. So kindly dial down the bigotry. It most definitely wasn't called for and, considering all the other examples I could put out there...false.

Teddi's avatarTeddi

Quote: Originally posted by temptustoo on Jan 4, 2016

the money was always his money.  He could not cash the ticket... It is not her money people..

Boy do I wish that were true. Then at least it would be that he's bailing himself out with his own money. But I can't think of a good reason why he wouldn't have claimed it himself if it was his. If it were a smaller sum, yes, I could come up with a few ideas, but not a take home of $88 million. On the other hand, the amount of times he's been in jail I get he's obviously not a criminal genius so his thinking may differ from ours, but idk. That's a lot of money to trust a broke person with.

Teddi's avatarTeddi

Quote: Originally posted by Rman313 on Jan 5, 2016

SmileI don`t think its even about the money with her.  She simply LOVES her POS BF! She will ride or die with him,money or no money! I have seen soo many beautiful ladies in love with drug dealers,the unemployed basement deweler, another married man,prison inmate, etc,etc! Shes standing by her man!

Sometimes I think it's a right of passage for women to fall for the really wrong guy. It's supposed to make one smarter, wiser, more careful later on. Loving the wrong guy is supposed to make us more appreciative of the right guy later on. Problem is some women never move past that wrong guy. They usually end up being a story to watch on Investigation Discovery

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