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$944 MILLION: Mega Millions lottery jackpot set to make holiday wishes come true
Suze Orman was on one of those talk shows several years ago. She said when folks call her for $$$ (friends/relatives) they are screened through her Attorney who automatically says NO!!
Just the Jackpot was played, reserved only for big jackpots. $4 won Friday night which went to a losing PB with PP DP Saturday.
Dec 22, 2024, 1:46 pm - Bleudog101 - Lottery News
California Mega Millions lottery ticket splitting $395 million jackpot will expire in one day
This story is too Crazy right from the start and l think the California lottery should be put under independent investigation on this matter to ensure there is no Monkey business what if this was inside Job Gone so wrong won't be the first time or the last time and the only winner of one of the two tickets is Quiet l smell a Rat However l do have a New theory and this is my personal opinion. I think the winner of half of the ticket Bought the first ticket and since Powerball is on Monday Wednesd
Dec 7, 2024, 3:05 am - Powerball765 - Lottery News
Georgia lottery player makes state history with $478.2 million Powerball jackpot win
Another QP.
More jackpots are won by QP. Perhaps because more QP-s are sold than SP-s?
Oct 24, 2024, 4:32 pm - rcbbuckeye - Lottery News
A Texas Lottery jackpot was "bought" last year, but legislators are pushing wrong solution
I had something similar happen to me once. During one of the billion dollar jackpots, I went to a store to get tickets and I was told it would be a while because another customer asked to print 1,000 tickets. Luckily, there are multiple stores close by that sell tickets so I went to one of those instead.
I'm not sure if anything can be done about these huge groups buying all these tickets. Someone will always find a workaround no matter what.
Oct 19, 2024, 10:51 pm - PrisonerSix - Lottery News
Mega Millions confirms ticket price increase to $5, other changes coming April 2025
Actually Todd made a great point here. I also remember when Powerball raised the price to $2 per ticket back then. Also, they made the odds to win even more difficult. I haven't played as often during the past twelve years as I did when the tickets were only $1. But I still bought numerous tickets on several drawings when the jackpot was high. Of course, people played even more when the jackpots approached $1 billion. Honestly, I think what drove the larger number of sales was human nature. Peop
Oct 12, 2024, 1:42 pm - rundown99 - Lottery News
Mega Millions confirms ticket price increase to $5, other changes coming April 2025
Wow! I remember for years when jackpots was considered high at $300 million and it was $1 I'll play ten picks for total $10 and when it went to $2 I'll play 10 picks for $20 for every draw but my starting level will be $600 million now it's going to $5 and for 10 picks a draw I'll have to come out of $50 every drawing but I wonder what my starting pot will be now? Ummm I'll say 2 Billion for me! Well folks to keep my strategy going I'm not jumping in until it crosses $2 billion and I'll apply my
Oct 10, 2024, 1:31 pm - Wildbill78 - Lottery News
Mega Millions confirms ticket price increase to $5, other changes coming April 2025
Lottery providers usually only make major changes when they think that they need to revive interest in their product..
Note that a selling point is bigger jackpots and larger payouts at lower levels. The sort of thing that might attract people otherwise no willing to buy a MM when there are $10-$50 scratchies that give that instant dopamine hit.. first of anticipation, and then, if you win anything.. (also there is the tendency for small prize wins to convert into purchases of new ticke
Oct 9, 2024, 5:24 pm - kao1632 - Lottery News
Mega Millions confirms ticket price increase to $5, other changes coming April 2025
The solution is to just play Power Ball and double your play with that game instead and ignore this ridiculous price increase for MM. How can you not be satiated winning even 10 million dollars in any game. No one wants billion dollar jackpots. Some may think they do but it would be nothing but problems. What can you buy. How many people do you want to dole it out to. Oh, you say I will invest it all and be rich, rich and even more rich. Then when I turn 79 I will cash out and start spending it.
Oct 8, 2024, 9:45 am - billybucks - Lottery News
Mega Millions confirms ticket price increase to $5, other changes coming April 2025
Same here, I haven't played MM in months. Played PB just a couple times in the last 3 months.
But, I won't be surprised to see people jump in when jackpots hit the billion dollar mark. (I won't be one of them).
Oct 8, 2024, 8:12 am - rcbbuckeye - Lottery News
One lottery ticket sold in Texas wins $800 million Mega Millions jackpot
It amazes me we live in a world where the top ten jackpots of all-time is a billion or more. Now I hear their rumors coming in 2025 the Mega Millions will be changing the structure and introducing a new game where a one auto pick ticket will be $5 a draw. I remember when one auto pick was a $1. What in the world is going on here I'm sure Powerball will do the same if Mega Millions show success and no drop in sales. How much greedy can they be. We got to quit supporting this madness y'all. This n
Sep 12, 2024, 9:44 am - Wildbill78 - Lottery News