ochoop17's Blog

List Of Names

Lennie was cleaning up some old papers in his office and found a list with the following names:


The last name on the list was mostly worn away and he couldn’t make it out. What was the last name and why?

Entry #2,762

Wife & Husband

Wife: "How would you describe me?"
Wife: "What does that mean?"
Husband: "Adorable, beautiful, cute, delightful, elegant, fashionable, gorgeous, and hot."
Wife: "Aw, thank you, but what about IJK?"
Husband: "I'm just kidding!"

Entry #2,761

You Will Know..

You will know that I am coming
From the jingle of my bell,
But exactly who I am is not an easy thing to tell.

Children, they adore me
for they find me jolly,
but I do not see them when the halls are decked with holly.

My job often leaves me frozen,
I am a man that all should know,
But I do not do business in times of sleet or ice or snow.

I travel much on business,
But no reindeer haul me around,
I do all my traveling firmly on the ground.

I love the time of Christmas,
But that's not my vocational season,
And I assure that is because of a sound economic reason.

Entry #2,760

Jigsaw Puzzle

A blonde called her boyfriend and said, "Please come over here and help me. I have a killer jigsaw puzzle, and I can't figure it out or how to get it started." Her boyfriend asked, "What is it supposed to be when it's finished?" The blonde said, "According to the picture on the box, it's a tiger." Her boyfriend decided to go over and help with the puzzle. She let him in and showed him where she had the puzzle spread all over the table. He studied the pieces for a moment, looked at the box, then turned to her and said, "First of all, no matter what we do, we're not going to be able to assemble these pieces into anything resembling a tiger." He took her hand and said, "Second, I want you to relax. Let's have a nice cup of hot chocolate and then............," he sighed, ..... "Let's put all of these frosted flakes back into the box."

Entry #2,759

Two Words

English has two words beginning with he
And at the same time, both ending with he.
During a marriage or after a date
Of this oddity some gals might relate.
How appropriate, these ladies might find
Since some gentlemen are not always kind.
Whether the girlfriend or even the wife
He is in both words and sometimes their life.

Entry #2,758

Merger Announcement

MERGER ANNOUNCEMENT: Polygram Records, Warner Brothers and Keebler: New company will be called Poly-Warner-Cracker.

Entry #2,757

What Did..

What did Adam say on the day before Christmas?

Entry #2,755

100th Birthday

It was Grandpa Jones' 100th birthday and he was still in perfect health. At his birthday party he was asked how he managed to live so long and stay so fit. He explained "I put my long life down to spending so much time out of doors. I've been in the open air, day after day, rain or shine, for the last 75th years." "How do you manage to keep up such a rigorous fitness regime?" we asked. "It's simple" he said. "When I married my wife 75 years ago, we both made solemn pledge on our wedding night. We agreed that whenever we ever had a fight, whoever was proved wrong would go outside and take long walk.

Entry #2,754

What Do..

What do you get from a pampered cow?

Entry #2,753

You Are..

You are in a locked room. It has no windows or anything. There is just walls and you have a piano, a calender, and a bed. How do u eat drink and get out?

Entry #2,752

A Couple..

A couple went to a doctor because the man was feeling down, tired all the time. The doctor said I will give a shot of vitamins, a prescription for some pep pills from the drugstore, and an empty jar for checking your sperm count - bring it back in next week so I can check it. When the guy came back to the doctor, the doctor said "Why, this jar is empty, I told you I needed to do a sperm count." The guy said, "I tried with my left hand, I tried with my right hand, my wife tried with her left hand and she also tried with her right hand, she even tried with her teeth. We could not get that jar open!"

Entry #2,751

They Look..

They look much alike, neither one can stay
They're as different as night is to day.
Both are at the end, each one starts a new
It can all depend on your point of view.

Entry #2,750

What Did..

Q. What did the police officer say to the midget complaining that someone picked his pocket? A. I can’t believe someone would stoop so low.

Entry #2,749