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Judgmental Store Clerks >:(
Judgemental clerks dont bother me,its the ones who ask what your number is 5or6times,or say the machines down cause they dont know how to run it,or the ones that think they know,but give you the wrong #s or the wrong type bet.Have run into honest clerks who send you to another register with a clerk who does,or one who make an attempt to learn,as it is part of thier job,usualy you get to know your locale clerks that are good and it also helps if you tip them if you hit,this keeps you in good with
May 27, 2011, 10:58 pm - trap574 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Post Your Winning Tickets Here
Yep. If only I had such a clear strategy from the start, then all would be well. Once I got that monkey off my back with that $4K win I have been relaxed and the wins come to me, instead of me chasing them lol. The last 3 weeks have been amazing !! And yes, If the clerk is helpful I do usually tip $5 - $20
Apr 21, 2011, 10:33 pm - James1 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Do you tip when you win? Who? How much? Why do you tip?
Yes I tip Vince Conti. I buy his Tip Sheets month to month and when I hit Straight I send him a money order TIP. He's the best and I simply show my gratitude. However, store clerks that sell me my tickets get free tickets in lieu of cash. I will buy 50/50 on a pick 3 for example. I buy ten of them and hand one to the clerk. If it comes out we both WIN!! :)
Feb 5, 2010, 2:27 pm - Rockwell - Lottery Discussion Forum

Do you tip when you win? Who? How much? Why do you tip?
Only if a clerk advises me to buy a ticket and it happens to be pretty big will I tip. I've had clerks give me the wrong advice because they want to buy the ticket for themselves. A lot of clerks keep up with which stack is a winner and which is eating up the money (regarding scratch-offs).
Dec 20, 2009, 10:36 pm - dopey7719 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Do you tip when you win? Who? How much? Why do you tip?
I do business consistently with the small town folk, and I make every effort to treat them consistently well, at the very least with kindness and respect (unless given reason to do otherwise). To do so also stands to reason logically, I think, because chances are good I'll be going back there again. Which? With a significant win on any game, 9 times out of 10, I do give the clerk a gift, and how much and how I do that depends on the clerk and circumstance. And it is definitely a gift, never
Dec 16, 2009, 6:34 am - Jake - Lottery Discussion Forum

man and woman who approached me with million dollar scratchoff
To me, a sincere and genuine or heartfelt thank you is worth more than a million bucks (yes, you read that correctly, readers of LP). This is so true!!!!!!! I'm going to remember that if I ever win a nice size lottery prize and the clerk looks at me after I cash in my ticket as if a tip is expected. I'm going to say For you I have something worthed even more than this prize, you have my sincere and genuine heartfelt 'Thanks' and be on my way.
Jul 16, 2009, 9:44 pm - RJOh - Lottery Discussion Forum

Do you tip your cashier when you win?
only you! that's too funny and seems like this could be an everyday occurrence for you! too funny! - as for the tipping, i just asked two of my local clerks and they said 'i wish' but 'no, don't tip it's illegal' so there .. tipping is illegal .. but you can frequently patronize their store as a way of saying 'thanks, i got you' .. but for a clerk to DEMAND - ha! i wish they had tried that on me as i would have given them the 'you're harassing customers, i'm going to call the lottery bureau' spe
Jun 30, 2008, 6:19 pm - Sandra Dee - Lottery Discussion Forum

Whats up with store clerks today?
you know what .......I once went into a store in Georgia to have an old ticket checked during the last high run on the MM and the clerk refused to run the ticket thru the lottery machine until I promised to split the ticket with her if it was a large amount......I just laughed and said sure why not. The ticket didn't win anything and I wasn't worried about having to split the ticket with her cause I had already signed the ticket on the back but i can tell you that I have never went into that sto
Feb 21, 2008, 9:05 pm - chasingadream - Lottery Discussion Forum

I don't get it. Maybe Rude cashier?
Don't forget if you end up winning any money because of your insanity, the clerk will expect a nice tip. They understand a person spending money to support a drinking or smoking habit but why would anyone want to waste $40 on lottery tickets? Even some of those folks buying the beer and cigarettes feel the same way.
Oct 7, 2007, 11:45 pm - RJOh - Lottery Discussion Forum

Do You Tip Your Lottery Clerk?
Wonder why you go to such great lenght to impose your views. Who appointed you Mr. Know-it-all? Must be nice to have all the answers for all of us. Or arrogant. Back to the question - do I tip lottery clerk yes.
Jul 21, 2007, 3:01 am - emilyg - Lottery Discussion Forum