Hi guys
We are going to skip playing tonight, I am not going to be able to get everything done in time for the
drawing. I am so close to having things ready but no way can I finish it tonight. I just read the last
few post and I want to inject a few things which you might want to consider. The first thing I would
like to say is that playing a value because it is out a bunch of games is not a good way to play. This
has been proven not to work. While at times it does seem to hit, it will most likely hand you your hat at
the end of the day and show you the door. Many people play hot or cold and we should move away from
this type of play.
The next draw is not related to the past draws in that way. Each number, value, etc.. has an expected
hit rate and should show so many times within so many draws but that does not mean that it will. When
looking at numbers this is even more true and the larger the matrix the lower the frequency between shows.
This is why I don't use numbers in my program. Grouping numbers together increases the frequency of hits
and the more something shows the greater the chance you have of hitting.
What I do is use probability but in reverse. "Random-Logic" Lets say that I build a RNG and have it select
six groups. Since six groups make up 60% of the total groups and being that the drawing is also a random
event we can make a very good estimate of how many of the six generated are correct. The draw can have
1,2,3,4 or 5 groups providing the 5 numbers but for this example lets say we are playing TG=4.
Now if we know that six groups make up 60% of the total groups then we can also expect that 60% of the
numbers will come from these six groups. 60% * 5 = 3. There will be times that the RNG will hit 100% but
that too can be calculated. You might be wondering how this helps because if you select 6 and only have 3
correct then you are not better off than when you started. Remember that probability work best with larger
samples and does not do too well for the single event. Ok with that said now lets say that we generate several
sets of six groups. We know that each of the sets of 6 groups will fall very close overall to the expected. This has
been proven so many times and is as old as the hills but consider this. Let's say that I generate a bunch of these
sets of 6 groups. I know that on average 60% of the groups in any one randomly generated set are correct. With
this information in hand then all I have to do is compare all the sets. I run the process several times looking for
similar results to confirm the groups most likely to show. It's like using random against it's self. I am updating the
programs to work with the big games and have them around 95% finished and will be more than ready for the next